Our Services

CleanTech provides full service hazardous waste management programs includes collection, transportation and recycling. Our trained, professional staff will pick up and manage from start to finish all your company's environmental needs for the services listed below.
Used Oil Service
CleanTech operates the newest permitted used oil recycling facility in California and is a leader in recycling. CleanTech will provide prompt service at competitive pricing and will make sure your used oil tank is professionally labeled.
Containerized Waste Service
“E-waste” refers to any unwanted electronic device or Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). E-waste frequently contains hazardous materials, predominantly lead and mercury, and is produced by businesses. Contact CleanTech to start managing your E-waste.
Parts Washer Service
Regardless of your application, CleanTech has the solution for your toughest cleaning application. We provide rental parts cleaners made in the USA. CleanTech also provides professional routine service for all makes and models of customer owned part cleaners and spray cabinets
Used Antifreeze Service
CleanTech provides used antifreeze collection, transportation and recycling.
The recycled antifreeze is marketed under the CLEAN COOL label. CleanTech will provide prompt scheduled service and make sure your used antifreeze tanks are professionally labeled and maintained while providing high quality antifreeze products for your business.
Vacuum Truck Service
Cleantech provides vacuum truck service for all industrial, automotive, and maritime vacuum truck service needs. This includes car washes, manufacturing waste streams, site cleanups, spill control.
Clarifier Service & Testing
Clarifiers need to be properly and regularly maintained to stay in good working order. When they are not cleaned out on a regular basis, oils, grit and debris will stop them up and make them useless. CleanTech offers vacuum truck services to ensure your clarifier is functioning properly and strictly adhere to the regulatory guidelines.. It is the generator’s responsibility to make waste determinations but CleanTech can assist. We offer sampling at the customer’s request and submit to a state approved laboratory to assist in making determination offering peace of mind.
Universal Waste
Universal wastes are hazardous wastes that are widely produced by many businesses. Universal waste includes batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermostats, and other mercury containing equipment, among others. CleanTech offers a Mail Pak program to manage all of your Universal waste needs.

CleanTech provides the best value for environmental products and services and strives to meet or beat any other company's written offer

Why deal with multiple vendors when all your waste management needs can be met by Cleantech?

CleanTech is proud to have provided its clients with over 20 years of award-winning service.